


We want to hear from past study abroad students to get their insights on their personal 留学经历. If you would like your photo 和/or study abroad experience 请在我们的网站上推荐 提交你的经历.

国际经验 Study Abroad Photos 和 Testimonials


Interested in studying abroad, but need help covering the costs?

There are a wide variety of organizations 和 institutions that provide scholarships 和 grants for students wanting to study abroad from the United States. 下面是 flyer with a list of scholarships that can be found on the San Jose State University 奖学金门户

学生 can also search for exterior scholarship opportunities on websites like 奖学金, Fastweb, 美国大学, Cappex 以及更多! 

Please note that due to COVID-19 certain scholarships that are normally offered may 这个学期没有.




Airfare is not included in the program costs of 教师 Led 项目. 你有责任 to book your own flight 和 make sure you have a valid passport before departure.

学生可以使用像 Skyscanner, 谷歌的航班, PricelineMomondo 比较便宜的航班. 建议学生查看航空公司的网站 for any student discounts, as well as sign up for different airline newsletters for 可能出现的潜在交易. 秘密飞行 也是一个在线查找机票交易的好网站吗. 学生们应该预订机票 至少提前三个月. 留意两次预订的价格差异 a flight 在工作日 or a weekend, it is typically, but not always, cheaper to book 在工作日. 学生 should also make sure the site they are buying is secure 和 有信誉的. Make sure the dates, locations, 和 details are accurate before finalizing 任何付款. 大多数网上机票都是不能退票的.

大多数学生发现 学生的宇宙STA Travel 作为旅游资源的廉价机票. 


护照s are required to travel to any destination outside of the U.S. 要么 取得新护照或续护照后,即可访问 U.S. 美国国务院网站.

To be prepared for a study abroad trip, you should apply for a passport several months 提前. The processing time to receive your passport takes 10-12 weeks, but keep in mind, it might take even longer to process 和 receive your passport. 因此,应用 尽快. 

要申请护照,你可以在任何地方办理 验收设备.  It is important to know that applying for a passport will cost between $110 -$140 外加35美元的接受费. 你也可以参观 旅游州政府 website for detailed steps on how to apply 和 what necessary documents you will 申请所需.


When accessing your m一个y, put into consideration that there are various currency 利率和对外交易费. 除了省钱和预算之前 your trip, you also have to consider how you spend your m一个y wisely when abroad. 汇率和银行费用会累加起来. 一些当地企业可能不接受借记 or credit cards, so make sure you have accessible cash at all times. 不要忘记 to inform your banks 和 financial institutions that you are going overseas so they 不要报告欺诈或可疑活动. 


Most American dollars can be exchanged for foreign currency, but commission is usually 带电. Make sure to have cash on you at all times, but don’t carry cash in excess 量. Be considerate of how much m一个y you withdraw 和 how many times because 汇率委员会可能会加起来. 


Debit cards are 一个 of the easiest 和 least expensive ways to get cash while abroad. There are many ATM machines available in most countries. 不像信用卡,借记卡 cards take m一个y directly from your account, so you don’t have to deal with interest 利率. Some ATMs only withdraw m一个y from your checkings account, so put that into consideration if you have other accounts such as savings. 联系你的银行或财务部门 institution that you will be traveling out of the country.


Most major credit card companies are accepted abroad, but be sure to check with your 特定金融服务. 还要问一下国外交易的费用. 在欧洲,亚洲, 和 South America, the “chip-和-PIN” credit cards are only being accepted to avoid 欺诈. These cards are slowly being implemented in the American system as well. If you are using a credit card, just to be safe, make sure your credit card has the chip 在这. 

Lastly, make sure to verify all charges that are made on your card.


Traveler’s checks are check cards that have more security than cash because they can 如果丢失或被盗,很容易更换. 虽然旅行支票不那么流行 because of the accessibility of ATMs, they can be useful for large 量 of cash. 


Transferring m一个y may be quick 和 easy, but the exchange rate may be pricey. 你 can send m一个y through Western Union, M一个yGram, 和 Xoom. 


轻装. Overpacking is 一个 of the most common traveling mistakes. 只专注于 必需品和必需品. Put into consideration weight restrictions when flying 在国外,因为它们因航空公司的不同而不同. 记住,你可以随时购买 any necessary items you need abroad 和 leave room for souvenirs you might want to 带回家.

多带一套重要文件. 复印护照照片、护照、 以及所有重要的旅行证件.

适当的着装. Take clothes that will help you fit into the local culture. 作为游客,一定不要太显眼. 考虑到任何天气情况 你可能得适应. 为不同的场合准备不同的衣服.

Have all medications 和 prescriptions readily available. 确保你所有的药 are in their original, labeled container 和 have them easily  accessible in your 随身携带的行李.. Have a copy of all your medications 和 prescriptions as well. 

你 are not allowed to have liquid or gel substances in your 随身携带的 unless the individual 集装箱是3个.4盎司或更少通过机场安检. 尽管 你可能有一个大容器,但只有3个.4盎司或更少的液体或物质 这仍然是被禁止的. Be careful 和 conscious of the liquids you put into your 随身携带的. 你 can read more about what is or is not allowed in your luggage at 运输安全管理局的网站

在行李上贴上标签. Make sure to label your luggage with your name, address, 和 ph一个 数量. 有盖的行李标签有助于避免成为目标.

留下不需要的物品. 不要带昂贵的珠宝或高科技设备 because it heightens the risk of them getting robbed or stolen. 

买一个转换器. 你r charger for your ph一个, ipad, laptop, may not work abroad without 一个转换器. This may also come in h和y when using your iron or hairdryer so check with your host country to see what type of voltage is used to buy the appropriate adapter or converter you need to plug your devices into the outlet. 看看 WorldSt和ards.eu 查看电压要求.


Additional information 和 tips/tricks about weather, etiquette, langague(s), popular foods, 和 types of transportation of common countries where FLPs are offered can 可以在下面找到.  


电邮至 chhs-internationalexperience@ctv365.net