

Dear 航空与科技 Students,
We are very sorry that we could not have our usual Commencement, and department celebration, however, nothing will diminish your accomplishments and achievements. 毕业是 not an easy task - let al一个 during a pandemic, but you proved to the whole world that nothing can stop you to reach your goals. I couldn’t be prouder of this year’s 毕业生. Please keep shining, and make us proud. Keep in touch, and share your success 跟我们一起的故事.



教授. 艾哈迈德Banafa

Class 2021 I wish you all the luck, you did it!


祝贺你 on your well-deserved success. I wish you the best in your future 努力. 去斯巴达人!


Congratulation to 航空与科技 students in the graduating class of 2021.

One event that I always look forward to is our graduation event at Reid Hillview. That, unfortunately, didn’t happen this year, so your departure is sure to be a little 虎头蛇尾. You shut off your computer after the last Zoom session... 和你 完成. Try not to let that take away from all of your accomplishments. 最后四个 (or more) years have been packed with experiences that you wouldn’t have had anywhere 其他的. I will miss each and every 一个 of you, so please try to stay in touch and let us know what new challenges come your way.

Dr. 奥比

Dear Graduates: 祝贺你 on this your great achievement. 你们是斯巴达人, well trained and strong from San Jose State University. 因此,我们派你出去 是斯巴达人. Go, explore, discover, and conquer. Represent us well out there and remember your Alma Mater when you bring home the spoil.
Dr. 奥比.

教授. 安东尼·罗塞蒂

祝贺2021届毕业生! We'll miss you, and it has been great working with you.

教授. 卡里姆Suleman

Your degree is not just a piece of paper. It is the wind underneath your wings that will help you reach higher up in your career and burst out of the horizon into a new 充满机遇的世界. 祝贺你.


祝贺你 毕业生, you have achieved a significant milest一个 in your lifetime 学习的. I wish you the best of success in your future endeavors. 不要害怕 to take risks, follow your passions, and if at first you don't succeed, learn from setback, but never quit on yourselves or your dreams.


Dear students, 祝贺你 on your graduation from 菠菜网lol正规平台 and successfully achieving 你生命中的另一个里程碑. The education you got at 菠菜网lol正规平台, both academic and life lessons, the friendships you made and the contributions you made to your peer group and the Spartan community enriches each of us.

Your achievements are especially significant given the current global health crisis and so as you turn your tassel, we tip our hats to you.



Go and build the future you want for yourselves.


Wishing 毕业生 of 2021 all the best. My Marine Corps drill instructor said "Adversity 脾气钢!" You will be stronger for this experience of graduating college in 大流行期间. Adapt and overcome life's challenges.

阿里米. Zargar

祝贺你 to the graduating class of 2021. 我们上海州立大学祝你一切顺利 look forward to learning about all of your future achievements.