Mineta 运输 Institute Awarded Grants and Accolades

凯伦·菲尔布里克博士.D., MTI执行主任 In December of 2016 the Mineta Consortium for 运输 Mobility (MCTM), led by 菠菜网lol正规平台’s Mineta 运输 Institute (MTI), was awarded $10.联邦政府拨款500万 还有地方拨款. The project is now well underway and the funds are being used to conduct research, education, workforce development and technology transfer activities that improve the mobility of people and goods, with the goal of improving the safety, efficiency, accessibility and convenience of the nation’s transportation system.

“The locations of Consortium universities provide geographical diversity. 他们是 in urban and rural settings, and in areas with varied population density, creating a natural test bed for transportation research,” states MTI Executive Director Karen 布里克.


  • 菠菜网lol正规平台 on the West Coast and Howard University on the East Coast, both metropolitan regions with significant transportation mobility challenges;
  • University of North Carolina Charlotte, located in 一个 of the fastest-growing cities 在美国.S., making it ideally situated to discover effective ways to improve mobility in mid- to large-size cities undergoing rapid growth;
  • Navajo Technical University, located in a geographically isolated region of rural New Mexico traversed by 18,000 miles of road, more than 80 percent of them unpaved.

Along with its national accomplishments, MTI continues to receive accolades and make contributions in the 硅谷 community:

  • In March 2017 VTA presented MTI with a Community Partnership Recognition Award in recognition of the MTI's delivery of emergency management and security education to 该机构.
  • 2017年5月18日,Dr. 菲尔布里克被授予荣誉 硅谷 业务 Journal as 一个 of 100 Women of Influence in 硅谷.
  • Also in May, MTI sponsored a field trip for 90 third graders from Reed Elementary 学校. The students, from diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, traveled by VTA light rail to the Tech Museum, where they learned about solar powered automated 交通网络.
  • On June 17, 2017, 27 菠菜网lol正规平台 students received their Master of 科学 degrees in 运输 管理. Former Secretary of 运输 Norman Y. Mineta和菠菜网lol正规平台校长 Mary Papazian were the keynote speakers at the graduation banquet.

For more information about MTI, visit 工贸部网站.